
The foundations of Sheth VD School were laid by honourable Shri Sheth Virchand Dipchand with a vision to instill the value of good education in the children and youth of rural India so that they can participate in the development of the country having entered a new century.

Mr Rajendra Sheth, Trustee

From Vision to Action

One cannot argue the fact that behind today’s developed Gujarat stands the toil and generosity of the many visionaries, leaders, and philanthropic businessmen who have enriched the state through their vision, action, and efforts.

Sheth Virchand Dipchand was one such jewel of Gujarat. The following is a brief biography of a man who enriched many organizations through his vision, action, and efforts.

Sheth Virchand Dipchand was born on the 24th of November, 1832. He started his career from Ahmedabad city at a young age of 17. Moving forward through his hard work and acumen he soon became a partner in Morarji Mills, Mumbai. At 17, nobody had thought that this young boy was to rise to the honour of a savior in the then British India.

During his career he served many prestigious positions and earned many honours during his lifetime. He served as Director to Oriental Spinning, Great Eastern Spinning, Bharuch Mills, and the Bank of India.

He established a mill in Solapur in the year 1874 and later took over Mahalaxmi Mills in the year 1878. However, he did not limit his life just to success in business. One may say that he was a successful businessmen, statesman, and philanthropist.

The district of Solapur was struck by a three year long spell of drought from 1875 to 1887. In honour to his service to humankind during this period, the British government acknowledged him with a Certificate of Merit on the 1st of January, 1877. It is interesting to note that this were the same years in which he had to sustain two new businesses. In todays times we rarely see such combination of businessmen acumen, generosity, and will power for human good.

Later he was appointed as the Commissioner to Solapur Municipality in the year 1880. It is important for the youth of today to understand, that in those days social efforts of such Indian businessmen and statesmen were not politically motivated. They served the society selflessly and the society used to appoint them as a gesture of their gratitude and indebtedness.

The years 1896 and 1897 once again showered the goad of drought on the people of Solapur. And, once again they had Sheth Virchand Dipchand to their help.

On the 1st of January, 1898, he was conferred with the title of “CIE”, (Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire). In the year 1903 he became the first person from the Jain community to be invited in the coronation ceremony of King Edward VII which took place in Delhi.

In the same year he was conferred with the title of “JP” (Justice of Peace). It is important to realize the dignity and importance of this title. At that time the death sentence was executed by hanging the convict till death in public. However, if Sheth Virchand Dipchand passed by during that time, the authorities had to acquit the person from the death sentence and spare his life. This is something for which any Indian can take pride. He was also honoured with an all India railway pass for travelling in the First Class.

Apart from such major achievements and contributions as a businessman and as a statesman, Sheth Virchand Dipchand also significantly contributed to the enrichment efforts of people and other social services.

He founded a Panjarapole (charitable asylum for crippled, weak, and useless cattle, domestic animals, and birds) in Solapur. He sponsored restoration and recreation efforts for the Jain Kirtigranth prints. He also contributed towards the building of Jain temples in Palitana, Makshiji, Sametshikharji and other places. He started Yashovijayji Jain Pathshala and Hemchandracharya Pustakalaya (Public Library). He was a generous support to people during flood crisis in Ahmedabad. He also generously contributed towards the construction of Pandharpur Bridge, Royal Asiatic Society of Mumbai, Lady Dafrin Institute, Heris Reading Room of Solapur and many others. In 1906 he was honoured as the president of Jain Shwetamber Conference in the city of Patan.

He had an undefined love for education. He started imparting school education in 1864 in the regional language Gujarati in the village of Godhavi and started classes in English in 1881. He founded Virchand Dipchand Girl’s school in 1885 and to inspire them he used to give scholarship of 2 anna per month.

As an entrepreneur Sheth Virchand was a partner in three Mills and a director in eight mills. As a statesman he earned unprecedented respect from the government, he was an iconic as well as generous leader of the Jain communiy

Sheth Virchand was honest, peaceful, patient, frank, and transparent in his working. He was a visionary with a remarkable insight into people and matters.

He passed away at the age of 76 leaving behind a great culture and footprints for people to follow.

Certainly, humankind owes its growth and development to different visionaries of their times who blessed their respective societies through the dint of their hard work and selfless generosity.